Tuesday, February 4, 2014

EOS: Is it Worth it?

Talk about "too mainstream", I've seen EOS carried by almost all girls from about ages 13 to 18. Yeah not too popular among the guy population but I say "as long as its not glittery or colored its good". Anyhow, it seems as though this lip balm is taking the lime light, care to know why?

EOS comes in a few different scents and the one I tested was "Summer Fruit". This scent is by far my favorite, it smells just like the peach gummy candies! This product works pretty well when it comes to your lips being chapped but as I used it, just to use it (mainly because of the smell) my lips started becoming very sensitive. This brand is also fairly expensive, over $3 just for one of them. Of course this product is also organic and so would be pricier, but I'm not too sure $3 is the worth of just one. I think if you're looking for something with great scent, interesting style, and money isn't a worry, get this product. If you're tight on cash and you just need something that'll do the job you should probably keep looking.

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