Monday, February 3, 2014

ChapStick: The Best Choice?

If you are a hipster, your probably saying "'The Best Choice?' of course not! Way too mainstream." But believe it or not there is a reason the ChapStick brand has changed the name of lip balm for everyone.

Chapstick is probably one of the most famous brands of lip balm. I mean, its even got everyone calling any type of lip balm "chapstick". This brand comes in a wide variety of scents including my three favorites, cherry, strawberry and apple. Unlike Chap Ice, these scents are quite pleasant. It is not excessively moist and is priced slightly higher than Chap Ice but is by no means "high" in price. This brand will help prevent your lips from being chapped and if you start using it after they become chapped, will cause a quick recovery. The only downside I find with this brand is that if your lips are already chapped, during the use, they begin to peel, which could be irritating and if messed with could cause small cuts. In weighing everything out, would ChapStick be one of the best possible brands? Definitely! It is a great price for a great product.

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