Saturday, February 8, 2014

The Decision

 So I'm sure if you've read all my posts before this you probably know which lip balm I am going to suggest and will declare the best. In case you haven't, here is what I think.

ChapStick is the best lip balm for a really good price. This brand works better than the others and is priced moderately in comparison. It has many scents however the scents aren't quite as good as EOS. EOS is placed second. It works best when lips are chapped but not recommended for use other than that otherwise it will possibly chap your lips. Smaller selection in scents but they are very good so that makes up for it. The main problem with EOS is price. The price is quite a bit higher than both ChapStick and Chap Ice. Chap Ice is placed last for many factors. This product did not work, the scents of this product almost reminded me of medicine, and it is extremely moist which can be irritating. So this is my opinion on lip balm, hope its helped find what you are looking for.

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Review and Comparison

So just in case you're feeling really lazy and don't feel like going back to read my posts about these separately, here is some review and comparison for you. This will be a short summary of the descriptions of each of these products.

So, starting with Chap Ice. There's many scents and is really cheap, however you're getting what you pay for. It doesn't work so well (that's a big problem) also its very moist and sort of irritating.

ChapStick was the second brand. This brand has a wide variety of scents somewhat similar to Chap Ice, that I find a bit more enjoyable. The price of ChapStick isn't bad at all, sure its slightly higher than Chap
 Ice but its worth it. This brand is more firm than Chap Ice and really works, which is the most important thing.

Finally, we have come to EOS. I can't even count the amount of times I was asked "aren't those for girls?" as I used this lip balm. Anyhow, there are not as many scents as the others but the scents are a lot less common than those of both Chap Ice and ChapStick. Again my favorite is Summer Fruit, smells like peach candy. This lip balm is the thickest, its organic and is pretty popular. The downside you ask? It is about $3 just
 for one of them. Also this product only works if your lips are already chapped, otherwise it will cause irritation or chapped lips.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

EOS: Is it Worth it?

Talk about "too mainstream", I've seen EOS carried by almost all girls from about ages 13 to 18. Yeah not too popular among the guy population but I say "as long as its not glittery or colored its good". Anyhow, it seems as though this lip balm is taking the lime light, care to know why?

EOS comes in a few different scents and the one I tested was "Summer Fruit". This scent is by far my favorite, it smells just like the peach gummy candies! This product works pretty well when it comes to your lips being chapped but as I used it, just to use it (mainly because of the smell) my lips started becoming very sensitive. This brand is also fairly expensive, over $3 just for one of them. Of course this product is also organic and so would be pricier, but I'm not too sure $3 is the worth of just one. I think if you're looking for something with great scent, interesting style, and money isn't a worry, get this product. If you're tight on cash and you just need something that'll do the job you should probably keep looking.

Monday, February 3, 2014

ChapStick: The Best Choice?

If you are a hipster, your probably saying "'The Best Choice?' of course not! Way too mainstream." But believe it or not there is a reason the ChapStick brand has changed the name of lip balm for everyone.

Chapstick is probably one of the most famous brands of lip balm. I mean, its even got everyone calling any type of lip balm "chapstick". This brand comes in a wide variety of scents including my three favorites, cherry, strawberry and apple. Unlike Chap Ice, these scents are quite pleasant. It is not excessively moist and is priced slightly higher than Chap Ice but is by no means "high" in price. This brand will help prevent your lips from being chapped and if you start using it after they become chapped, will cause a quick recovery. The only downside I find with this brand is that if your lips are already chapped, during the use, they begin to peel, which could be irritating and if messed with could cause small cuts. In weighing everything out, would ChapStick be one of the best possible brands? Definitely! It is a great price for a great product.

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Chap Ice: Pros and Cons

There are so many different brands of lip balm out there it is almost impossible to find a good one. For today I'm going to analyze the brand Chap Ice, identifying its benefits and disadvantages. 

Chap Ice is one of the cheaper lip balms. It comes in a variety of scents and types and even protects from UV rays. However, the scents are not very appealing, for instance the cherry smells more like medicine which could be a bit of a problem. This lip balm is also very liquidy, bringing an annoying sensation to your lips. Possibly because of the excessive moisture, when Chap Ice is being used to try to prevent chapped lips it causes your lips to become chapped. When the use of this brand is continued, there is no sign of improvement but almost the opposite. My lips began to crack. This brand is not highly recommended. It is very cheap but will most likely do the opposite of what you are hoping for.